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Popular Golf Tournament Formats

Golf is a sport which is played by the rich, or those who have a bit more money than the average joe. Why is that?…

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Fun Facts About Golf – Golf is More Entertaining than You Think

As sports go, golf is one of those which is often considered boring or slow. Some people prefer faster sports like horse racing or even…

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The Most Popular Sports on the Planet

It is a subject of much debate. Football, basketball, volleyball, jai alai, badminton – which of these sports is the best and the most popular?…

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NHL Stars That Love to Play Golf – Golf and Hockey Are Similar

When looking at hockey, ice hockey, particularly, you see a bunch of people skating on ice and hitting each other really hard, with fights between…

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3 Must-Visit Golf Courses in Las Vegas

Golf is known as the sport of choice for the rich hedonists who know how to enjoy life. If you are a golf lover, there’s…

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How Prevalent Is Doping in Golf?

If you have known very little about golf, you would think that it is an old-people’s sport. But, you couldn’t be further from the truth….

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Golf Players That Made History

Playing golf seems like a boring activity but many would argue otherwise, especially golf superstars who made their lives and that of many others by…

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The Popularity of Golf Compared to Other Sports

Some sports are, beyond a doubt, much more popular than others. Football is such a sport. It often tops the charts when it comes to…

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Best Equipment Brands for Golf

Golf, as any other sport, requires equipment. Golf, more than other sports, require you to select from a plethora of clubs, from irons, hybrids, chippers,…

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Best Golf Events You Can Bet On

Golf is becoming more and more mainstream today, so there is an increasing number of sites that allow you to bet on it. If you…

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